
来源:八戒影院人气:687更新:2023-04-16 10:57:19


一、Sailor Moon《美少女战士》

Broadcasting from 1992 to 1997, Sailor Moon follows the adventures of Usagi Tsukino, a middle school student who is given the power to become the guardian of the moon. Together with other sailor soldiers, Usagi protects the planet against an assortment of evil villains.


Usagi's catchphrase is, "In the name of the moon, I will punish you!" and is widely known among Chinese people.


二、Crayon Shin-chan《蜡笔小新》

Written and illustrated by Yoshito Usui, Crayon Shin-chan follows the daily life of a five-year-old Nowara Shinnosuke and his parents, baby sister, dog, neighbors and friends. An anime adaptation of the series began airing on TV Asahi in 1992 and was formally ended on February 5, 2010 due to the death of the author.


As a big-mouth, the protagonist Nowara Shinnosuke always defies logic. Precocious and jealous, he is the so-called mean boy. However, his cheeky character won him many fans across the globe. Even today, his emojis have often appeared in Chinese social media.


三、Detective Conan《名侦探柯南》

As the most successful detective manga series in China, Detective Conan, written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama, is an ongoing Japanese detective manga series starting on January 19, 1994. The story follows an amateur detective who was transformed into a child while investigating a mysterious organization, and solves a multitude of cases while impersonating his friend's father and other characters.


Detective Conan has sold over 140 million copies in the world, making it one of the best-selling manga series. The popular manga was also adapted as animated feature films, original video animations, video games, audio disc releases, and live action episodes. Meanwhile, the love story between Kudou Shinichi and Rachel Moore still melts the heart of many viewers.



Doraemon is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Fujiko F. Fujio. The series revolves around a robotic cat named Doraemon who travels back in time from the 22nd century to help a pre-teen boy named Nobita Nobi to become a better man.


The Doraemon manga series was first published in December 1969 in six different magazines. On 22 April 2002, on the special issue of "Asian Hero" in Time magazine, Doraemon was selected as one of the 22 Asian Heroes. Being the only anime character selected, Doraemon was described as "The Cuddliest Hero in Asia". Also, the magical pocket of Doraemon has been admired by many kids in their childhood.


五、One Piece《海贼王》

One Piece mainly depicts the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a young man whose body gained the properties of rubber after unintentionally eating a devil fruit. With his diverse crew of pirates, named the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy explores the Grand Line in search of the world's ultimate treasure known as "One Piece" in order to become the next King of the Pirates.

《海贼王》讲述的是一个名叫路飞的年轻人的探险故事,他在无意间吃下一颗恶魔果实而让身体获得了橡胶一般的拉伸性和弹性。由于他的标志性特征是一顶草帽,因此常被直接称呼为“草帽”。他集结的“草帽海贼团”在“伟大航路”上航行,梦想是找到传说中的ONE PIECE,成为下一任海贼王。







读音:英 [nmen]  美 [nmen] 


1 、[U] energy and enthusiasm in the way you look, behave or speak 生气;活力;富有生命力

His face was drained of all colour and animation. 他面如死灰。—see also   suspended animation 

2、 [U] the process of making films/ movies, videos and computer games in which drawings or models of people and animals seem to move (指电影、录像、电脑游戏的)动画制作

computer/ cartoon animation 电脑动画╱坦伏动画片制作

3、 [C] a film/ movie in which drawings of people and animals seem to move 动画片

The electronic dictionary included some animations. 电子词典中有一些动画片。

复数: animations


1、The animation is awesome and gets better and better every year.  


2、This course teaches the fundamentals of creating imaginative andinteresting characters for all gaming and animation.  



动画的英文有很多表述,如animation、cartoon、animated cartoon、cameracature。其中较正式的 "Animation" 一词源自于拉丁文字根anima,意思为“灵魂”,动词animate是“赋予生命”的意思,引申为使某物活起来的意思。所以动画可以定义为使用绘画的手法,创造生命运动的艺术。



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